College Wide Programs

Curricular Events 

Clinical Foundations of Medicine Course 

约翰霍普金斯医学院的“从基因到社会”课程将人体解剖学课程和临床医学基础(CFM)中的临床技能培训相结合,作为医学院经验的前两门课程. In CFM, students work in their Colleges small group “molecules” of five students, 与他们的指导老师一起学习医疗实践的以下基本要素:医患沟通, building the medical history, performing a physical examination, working on a learning team, and understanding the attitudes and behaviors medical professionals. CFM教职员工理解学生在早期学习阶段所面临的挑战, 我把课程设计成一个循序渐进的技能培养和bet8九州下载互动的过程. 

Dialogues on Professional Growth 

These small group advising sessions are held throughout all four years. 第一次会议从向医学院的过渡开始,并在医学教育主题(TIME)和转化科学会议期间继续进行. 课程也在过渡到病房(TTW)和过渡到住院医师和实习以及为生活学院做准备(TRIPLE)期间进行。.  辅导员帮助学生反思训练经历对自我意识的影响, developing professional identity and understanding the health care setting. 学生们考虑在他们的学习/培训过程中,复杂的经历如何为个人和/或专业成长提供机会. 

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Milestone Events 

Match Day: Year 4 Students — Third Friday in March 

students posing for end of year celebration

CAP advisers celebrate the success of fourth-year students on Match Day, as they learn where they will train in the next phase of their journey. 与他们的项目匹配的信封由他们的顾问交付,中午倒计时开始. 

White Coat Ceremony: Year 1 Students – April 26, 2024 

医学院和CAP积极支持学生成为医生的转型之旅, and the White Coat Ceremony marks an important milestone on this path. 白大褂——医学职业的象征性披风——的出现和披上,体现了对医生所珍视的价值观的承诺:人道主义, compassion, altruism, leadership, excellence and devotion to the well-being of others. 

这个班级的许多学生与学院咨询项目的主任和行政人员一起参与了几个月的活动计划. 对于学生和他们的家庭来说,这个庆祝活动是一年中最重要的活动之一,在春天举行. 

graduation day in cap and gown

Graduation: Year 4 Students – May 

CAP advisers celebrate the full circle with their graduating fourth years at Convocation. Advisors hood the M.D. candidates at this very special capstone ceremony.

Community Building Social Events  

College Induction Ceremonies — August 

教师和学生领导计划一个晚上的活动,欢迎即将到来的一年级学生在每个学院. 这是新生与指导老师和高年级同学见面的机会. 

college induction ceremony

College Olympics — October 

The Olympics combines friendly competition and college spirit building, 学生们参加各种各样的活动——从躲避球到跳舞,以及任何你能想到的活动. It is a time for students bond across colleges and vertically, across years, to get to know classmates and to create memories. 

College Halloween Party — October 

An opportunity for college-wide bonding, featuring food, games and costumes.  

Holiday Party — December 

college olympics students posing in field

Students from all Colleges, along with faculty and staff, come together to celebrate by taking part in various activities, such as a festive photo-booth, cookie decorating, games, making ornaments, dancing and singing. 一些大学选择赞助一个家庭过节,或者为养老院的人制作节日贺卡. It’s a good time of year for everyone to come together. 

End-of-Year Celebration — June 

An opportunity for collegewide bonding, featuring food, games and celebration. 

Career Advising Events 

Road to Residency Series — Year round 

end of year celebration in downtown baltimore

提供给每个班级的一系列课程,以告知/预览在指导住院医师申请过程中的下一步步骤. 这个信息系列是由医学生事务办公室共同主办的. 会议主题包括:二年级学生住院医师申请流程的组成部分预览:接近高风险考试, Marketing Yourself, Balance and Sacrifice, Overview of the Residency Application Process for third-year students; and Navigating the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program.  

Applying for Residency; Year 3 Students — March 

Year three students learn about the decision-making/application process, including discussion of preparing a personal statement; best practices for asking for a letter of recommendation; and developing a timeline for preparing application materials. 然后,CAP协调特定专业的项目,这样学生就可以从所有领域的项目主任那里了解到有关申请过程的特定专业信息.

Mock Interview Program; Year 4 Students — September 

一个信息丰富的启动之夜,帮助四年级学生准备住院医生面试,住院医生和教师小组讨论围绕学生的问题框架. 然后,CAP为每个学生与他们所选领域的教师/校友协调两次模拟面试. 学生们可以从模拟面试中获得形成性的反馈,这样他们就可以在真正的面试中得到磨练和自信. 

Financial Wellness Advising Series — Year round 

CAP与凯瑞商学院(Carey Business school)的教员合作,提供一系列与财务健康相关的研讨会. Topics include: budgeting, asset acquisition, and financial planning.

College-Specific Programs — Year round 

这四所学院每年都会选出一个领导委员会,负责组织和执行学院的具体项目. Under student leadership, 这个项目包括社交活动,如大学空间的茶点时间和欢乐时光,以增强垂直整合. 学术主席领导安排同侪咨询活动,如大同辈小同辈编程和学生小组讨论给定课程或实习的方法. 社区服务活动也由个别大学生领袖策划. 所有这些活动都加强了班级之间的垂直整合,为每个学生创造了一种家的感觉. 每所学院在阿姆斯特朗教育大楼都有一个专用的多功能套房,作为四所学院的家.